Source: session-client/context.js


const argsChecker = goog.require('omid.common.argsChecker');
const Partner = goog.require('omid.sessionClient.Partner');
const VerificationScriptResource = goog.require('omid.sessionClient.VerificationScriptResource');
const {packageExport} = goog.require('omid.common.exporter');

 * Holds information provided into the ad session context by the JavaScript
 * layer.
 * @public
class Context {
   * Create a new ad session context providing reference to partner and a list
   * of script resources which should be managed by OM SDK service.
   * @param {!Partner} partner The integration's partner ID and version.
   * @param {?Array<!VerificationScriptResource>} verificationScriptResources
   *   The verification resources to load.
   * @param {?string=} contentUrl On web, the URL of top-level web page.
   *     In apps, an optional content URL of the screen within the app that is
   *     showing the ad, such as an Android deep link or iOS universal link.
   *     Defaults to null.
   * @param {?string=} customReferenceData Arbitrary reference data the
   * integrator can share with verification scripts. Has no effect in
   * mobile app environment. Defaults to null.
   * @throws error if the supplied partner is undefined or null.
  constructor(partner, verificationScriptResources, contentUrl = null,
    customReferenceData = null) {
    argsChecker.assertNotNullObject('Context.partner', partner);

    this.partner = partner;
    this.verificationScriptResources = verificationScriptResources;
    /** @type {?HTMLElement} */
    this.slotElement = null;
    /** @type {?HTMLVideoElement} */
    this.videoElement = null;
    /** @type {?string} */
    this.contentUrl = contentUrl;
    /** @type {?string} */
    this.customReferenceData = customReferenceData;
     * Whether or not this ad session is under evaluation, as defined by
     * "Evaluation Flag" in the Open Measurement License for Web Video, V 1.0.
     * Ignored in app environments. Defaults to false.
     * @type {boolean}
    this.underEvaluation = false;

     * If not null, the window to which service communication should be
     * directed, overriding the default search algorithm.
     * @type {?Window}
    this.serviceWindow = null;

   * Specifies the video element within the WebView.
   * @param {?HTMLVideoElement} videoElement The video element.
   * @public
  setVideoElement(videoElement) {
    argsChecker.assertNotNullObject('Context.videoElement', videoElement);
    this.videoElement = videoElement;

   * Specifies the ad creative HTML element within the WebView.
   * @param {?HTMLElement} slotElement The ad creative DOM element.
   * @public
  setSlotElement(slotElement) {
    argsChecker.assertNotNullObject('Context.slotElement', slotElement);
    this.slotElement = slotElement;

   * By default, the OM SDK Session Client Library will assume the Service
   * Script is present in the same frame the library is loaded in, or top. Call
   * this method to override this default and point the library to the give
   * window instead.
   * @param {!Window} serviceWindow The window containing the OMID Service
   *     Script.
  setServiceWindow(serviceWindow) {
    argsChecker.assertNotNullObject('Context.serviceWindow', serviceWindow);
    this.serviceWindow = serviceWindow;

packageExport('OmidSessionClient.Context', Context);
exports = Context;